Fields of Abstraction
Tacit Galleries
Abbotsford, Melbourne
To April 6
'Group exhibition of Tacit-represented artists whose work featured is
non-objective abstraction - i...
Molto Bello
Icons of Modern Italian Design
Heide Museum of Modern Art
Bulleen, Melbourne
To March 23
Prototype for the Sacco 1969, Zanotta, Italy. (beanbag)
`Molto B...
Contributed by Julia Kunin / On March 19, I had the opportunity to interview the Ukrainian artist Violetta Oliinyk. She has been working with her partner, ...
Acrylmalerei , Petra Eller , Künstlerin im Allgäu
Acrylmalerei mit reduzierten Farben
bearbeite ich momentan auch wieder sehr gern
Acrylfarben, Papier, Sand, Kreide
40 x 70 cm
*Herbstesel / Abtönfarbe mit Wasserfaren auf leinwand / 80x80 cm *
martin and heaney
A few days ago I sat in the Agens Martin gallery at the The Harwood Museum
of Art in Taos, New Mexico. Seven paintings she created in 1993, late in
her lif...
An Upcoming Show at Galerie Art Plus
I'm really happy to be part of this group and wish to invite you to Galerie
Art Plus Group Show A+
Come and meet the artists : Pierre Bourbonnais, Éric Cay...
Creative Business Interview - Rebecca Brown - Ceramics and Drawings
I can't tell you how excited and pleased I was when Rebecca said that she
would agree to be interviewed for the blog. I really love Rebecca's work
(I'm st...
More gelatin prints with collage and gel pen
For the *TAW challenge *this week: *spring.*
My spring collage is from longer ago. It still hangs
on the wall in my living roo...
Troubleshooting and Materials - L@F 6/22/18
*Here are the show notes for the latest... *
*Instagram Live @ Five*
*Original Broadcast: June 22, 2018*
*Thank you for taking time out of your busy, creati...
On a Thursday evening, October 26th I arrived in Hong Kong for the second
Artist Residency this year. 6 Months before i'd booked an Airbnb and
managed to ...
autumnal equinox
new season
new digs
new paint
How Life Changes
How life changes moment to moment.....
Not a psychological heavy deep moment but in art making the canvas changes
I'm participating in a Fi...
„Wir wollen Lust auf Kunst machen“ – so das Motto der *ART SALZBURG*.
Damit ist die Kunst und Kulturhauptstadt nicht nur wegen ihres berühmten
Peace for Everyone
My painting above my fireplace mantle, by Donna Watson
by Maya Angelou
---It is the Glad Season.
Thunder ebbs to silence ...
Letter of the Law
41.5"x 41.5" pigmented grout on ISO panel
*These fragments of a tile were once part of a highly decorated floor at
Chertsey Abbey, Surrey. Pavements of decorated ceramic tiles were a
medieval inn...
Ölfarben, Lack auf Leinwand,
30 x 30 x 4 cm, Jahr 2010
f16ma1102, peinture
L' Humain aux marches de l'Horizon.
Terre du fleuve,
Fontvieille 2016
I was well out of my comfort zone at last weeks drawing group session - we
had to select from packaging to make a collaged drawing - mine, and many of
the ...
Saturation Point, online editorial and curatorial project for reductive,
geometric and systems artists in the UK
Saturation Point is an online editorial and curatorial project for
reductive, geometric and systems artists working in the UK.
We invite artists working...
Moving out............
Hello and goodbye. I have been pondering this for a long time. I have been
on blogger for over 7 years and loved the wonderful community I have found
particular versión de un fondo marino en el país de nunca jamás,
espero que os guste ;)
muchas gracias y feliz semana para...
The Edges of Things
untitled collage Leslie Avon Miller
I like the edges of things
the way two elements come together
and are changed by the experience.
A third energy is bor...
Slow Down
Still Life Lucky for me someone was unable to attend the Kim Shannon painting
workshop which was being held by Alison's Art workshops at Jervis Bay on
A Recent Series
*Stone Boat*
enamel on cradled board, 19" x 24"
$950 plus shipping. Email for purchase.
I never know for sure where a painting will go....
Make Art And Thrive
Hope all is well out there in blog land.
I have decided to end my posts here although I will
be leaving the over 300 postings up for anyone
wishing to s...
Another new beginning... I have started a new blog called art bite, set to launch on April 1, 2014....set your bookmarks and/or follow me at... lorraineglessner.wordpress.com...see ...
Ian Foster 25 August 1938 – 16 January 2014 After a long illness my father passed away in January this year. I hope that perhaps somewhere now he is now able to enjoy his art and the abstract paint...
Untitled (035) and Untitled (036)
Not much to say about these two. I really like 035 but am not fussed about
036. The latter has that much to 'clean' effect. Still, it has got
something (?)...
Monsoon Studio
It is a perfect Monsoon here in Pune. Perfectly wet, green, gray, moody.
Good time to be back on the blog. My studio is filling up with drawings,
Grand Canyon Last Year and June 16th 2013
Sunrise Grand Canyon (oil on canvas) 48" x 72" © Melinda Esparza All
weekend I've been remembering and reliving the gift of being an
artist-in-residence ...
Some Artists at the 2013 Encaustic Conference Hotel Fair
The hotel fair is an exciting component of the wonderful annual
International Encaustic Conference organized by Joanne Mattera with Cherie
Mittenthal of th...
Download Ayat Ayat Cinta 2 (2017) Web-Dl Full Movie
Nonton Film Ayat Ayat Cinta 2 (2017) Full Movie | Halo sobat indomov21,
pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan sebuah Download Film
Indonesia denga...
PAINT @ Rialto Center for the Arts April 1-May 24th 2013
Two person show with Justine Rubin celebrating paint. First time I have had
my name in lights. Second opening May 2nd. Come say hi!
Back to blogspot!
Above is my recently completed encaustic and mixed medium painting
"Japonais" ... 20 x 24
I had purchased some vintage Japanese accounting books (below ....
encaustic painting | resolve
resolve | 10 x 10 inches, encaustic on panelNew work.
Visit my website at http://www.stephanieclayton.com/ to view my complete
portfolio and more.
International Artist Collaboration in Bushwick
Introducing ALLTOGETHERNOW a collaborative show of artists to be held in
Brooklyn, NY as part of BOS- Bushwick Open Studio Weekend 2012 June 1st -
Abstract paintings of Beatriz Milhazes, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin..
There is something appealling about the work of Beatriz Milhazes,
something on the edage of textile design yet with a traditional collage
quality, symetr...
Tal R
Ramshackle. Urgent. Engaging. Really good.
etching & photopolymer - birdsnest